1 West Montreal Squadron

Welcome Parents!

Welcome to 1 West Montreal Squadron's website. We strive to provide exciting, educational, and fun trainings and activities for our cadets.

Cadets are supervised by qualified Staff Cadets, Canadian Armed Forces officers, as well as Civilian Instructors. All adults have passed a comprehensive background check in order to work with youth. Parents have various opportunities to get involved with the Squadron if they wish, including helping with fundraising, attending monthly CO's parades, and even serving on the Squadron Sponsoring Committee. Thank you for your support of the Squadron and for allowing your child to partake in our activities.  



There is no membership fee or annual dues. The training is mostly provided free of charge and the uniform is issued for the duration of membership. However, cadets, with the support of their parents/guardians, are requested to raise $180 per year through their participation in squadron fundraising activities or by making a donation to the squadron. This enables the squadron to provide activities not paid for by the Canadian Forces, awards, familiarization flights, training facilities rental, and much more.

All donations are eligible for charitable donation receipts for income tax purposes. If you are able to make a donation in support of the Squadron, there are several possible payment options:

If you would like your child to join the Air Cadets program here at 1 West Montreal Squadron, click here to learn more.